Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mission #ShaveRichard In Progress

Phase I: Create a fun Social Media campaign to #ShaveRichard - complete 

Phase II:  Interact with followers and supporters by posting interesting links/photos - complete  

Phase III:  Engage conversation with numerous Virgin Brands via Social Media in hopes of getting in touch with Richard Branson himself - in progress - posted on Branson's blog so hopefully he sees it soon! 

Phase IV: Await a reply from one or more Virgin Brands via Twitter, FB or Email - complete (thank you to @VMGiving for the reply!)  Now if @RichardBranson would rely JUST ONCE that would be terrific!

Phase V:  Engage conversation with numerous Air Asia Social Media accounts in hopes of getting in touch with Tony Fernandes - in progress -Air Asia Email Case Acknowledgement - CAS-351685-J51S25 CRM:0001666

Once we get through Phase V THEN we can start planning the rest of the game. For now I just have to wait and see what happens.... See ya on Twitter!! Don't forget to use my new hash tag when posting #ShaveRichard 


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