Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Calling All Millionaires - It's Time To #ShaveRichard Branson!!

Do you have an extra $650K+ laying around that you could donate to a great cause!? Well if so, I have the perfect charity for you to donate to and by doing so you will make my dreams come true with the opportunity to meet and shave Sir Richard Branson on May 1st.  

Here’s the story of my #ShaveRichard campaign along with ways for you to get involved. Come on people, let’s make this happen!   

The flight takes place on the May 1st Air Asia London to Kuala Lumpur flight. Tickets start at £4,500 per person with all proceeds from seat sales going to charity. There is also the opportunity to bid for a charity auction, where the winner will have the "opportunity" to shave Richard Branson's legs at Stansted airport, before the flight leaves for Malaysia.

The opening bid to shave Branson will start at a rumored $650K. Being a barber by profession one can imagine that I simply do not have that sort of cash laying around so I am HOPING someone will make a donation in my name.   I am sure a lot of “big shots” will bid just to win and probably do not even care about doing the actual shaving.  Let’s be honest, shaving a man’s legs isn’t the most appealing thing to do so if someone WINS the auction and doesn’t want to #ShaveRichard I will be available.     

Why should I be the one to #ShaveRichard Branson? Here’s just a couple reasons to start with: 

1) Who would HONESTLY better fit the job than me? If you aren’t sure “who I am” (a pseudo celebrity in my own world) please check out my Shaving Reel and BarbarellaX videos before reading on…  Basically, I am a well known, highly trained second generation barber who is always camera ready.   Let’s be frank, this whole charity flight is about getting some media attention so might they as well have a cute blonde shaving on camera, agree? 

2) Shaving can be dangerous! Handing a razor to a random person to #ShaveRichard would not be the smartest thing to do.  They wouldn’t want to see any messy shaving mishaps on camera, right?  To check out some of my leg shaving experience please check out
3) Branson  and Fernandes have been quoted saying that they want to have a “bit of fun, engage with their guests and raise more money for charity” with this media stunt. Well boys, I am TONS OF FUN (references available upon request!), I love interacting with people AND as an added bonus I’ll offer a day of free haircuts/shaves for a charity group of their choice if I get the opportunity to #ShaveRichard.   

4) I’ve always been a fan of Sir Richard Branson and I admire his approach in social media.   Because of that I have started my own social media campaign to get Branson’s attention. You would think with soooooo many people/companies working for him that someone will notice and appreciate my #ShaveRichard campaign

So… Will you join in my mission to #ShaveRichard?  How can you help? 

- All you have to do is  "LIKE" my Facebook fan page and post it on a couple friends’ profiles... 

- Tweet @RichardBranson a couple (or twenty times) and tell him about me and my #ShaveRichard  campaign to help get his attention... Be sure to include @QueenofShaves in your tweets!

- If you write for a blog, newspaper or magazines I am ready for interviews so maybe you can help by getting the word out... 

Let's make this happen people. Thanks! XDi

Please note any opinion expressed here does not necessarily represent the views of my employer, which is King of Shaves.  This is purely a fun, personal campaign so hopefully the legal people out there don’t give me a hard time about harassing…oops I mean contacting @RichardBranson nonstop on all my Social Media pages. 

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